Available for Windows 10 and macOS Catalina

The English translation is provided by 'Super women' san.
The Italian translation is provided by 'Massimiliano Gallieri' san.
Thank you!


I can totally understand that it is hard to try some software that appeared suddenly like a comet. So let me explain to you how this "Basketball Game for volca sample" was created.

Posso comprendere che e difficile usare un software che appare all’improvviso come una cometa. Lascia che ti spieghi perche "Basketball Game for volca sample" e stato creato.

彗星のように現れたソフトウェアを使う気にもなれないことはよく理解できる。 このソフトウェアが生まれた経緯を説明することにするよ。

"Basketball Game for volca sample" is a simple tool which transfers audio data to volca sample, just by dropping WAV files. I wanted to make this originally in 2015, but I was busy at that time and now it's already 2019... I finally decided to work on it and spend 2 days of my weekend. I wanted to settle it so maybe it is a bit rough, but I hope you can have a try. The KORG volca sample is an interesting gadget which is full of playfulness in that cute casing and I love it! volca smoke was designed to be very simple and enjoyable. However, all the transfer tool software are a bit complicated and difficult... that is how I came to this idea of creating a simple transfer tool. I am glad if you discover new possibilities of KORG volca sample through this software! Look... you have already let the volca sample sleep somewhere in your bookshelf. Bring it out and give it a try!

"Basketball Game for volca sample" e un semplice strumento che trasferisce i dati audio al Volca Sample semplicemente trascinando i file WAV nell’applicazione. Questa applicazione volevo svilupparla nel 2015 ma all’epoca ero impegnato e adesso e pronta per il 2019… Alla fine ho deciso di lavorarci e ci ho impiegato 2 giorni nei miei fine settimana. Volevo sistemarla prima di pubblicarla cosi grezza ma spero che la proverai. Il KORG Volca Sample e un gadget interessante e nella sua confezione compatta e pieno di qualita e lo adoro! Il Volca Sample e stato disegnato per essere facile e godibile. Tuttavia, il software per trasferire i dati e un po’ complicato e difficile da usare… ed e cosi che mi e venuta l’idea di creare uno strumento per trasferire in modo facile i dati. Sono felice se scoprirai nuove possibilita del KORG Volca Sample grazie a questo software! Ascolta… hai gia lasciato il tuo Volca Sample a prendere la polvere su qualche libreria. Prendilo e prova il programma!

"Basketball Game for volca sample"はWAVファイルをドロップするだけでvolca sampleに音声データを転送してくれるとてもシンプルなツールなんだ。 元々2015年くらいに作ろうと思っていたんだ。 でも色々忙しくて今は2019年。 やっと2日ほど週末に時間を作って取り組むことにしたんだ。無理矢理2日で決着をつけたので少し粗削りなんだけど試してくれると嬉しい。 KORG volca sampleは、あのキュートな筐体に遊び心がギュッとつまった面白いガジェットさ。 僕も大好きなんだけど、パソコン向けのソフトウェアはどれも小難しいものが多かったんだ。 volca sampleはとてもシンプルに音を楽しむ設計になっているのだけど、転送ツールがそれをややこしいものにしているって感じたんだ。 だからシンプルな転送ツールを作ろうって思ったんだよね。 きっと、このソフトウェアを通じてKORG volca sampleの新しい可能性を発見してくれたら嬉しい。 ほら、volca sampleをもう本棚に眠らせちゃってるそこの君、早く取り出して試してみようよ!



1st Feb. 2020 The support page was updated by Mr. Massimiliano Gallieri.
Special thanks to Mr. Massimiliano Gallieri!
11th Jan. 2020 Version 0.7.0 has been released for Mac OS Catalina and Windows 10.
From this version, the new feature that we called it 'Time Comp' is now available.
Special thanks to Mr. Dennis Mozgovoy!
11th Jan. 2020 Italian translation was added for this website.
Super special thanks to Mr. Massimiliano Gallieri!
1st Jan. 2020 Version 0.6.1 has been released for Mac OS Catalina and Windows 10.
Special thanks to Mr. Massimiliano Gallieri!
31th Dec. 2019 Added audio samples to the download page.
22th Dec. 2019 Initial version 0.6.0 has been released for Windows 10.