• Could you introduce a book for learning DPX?

    File Interchange Handbook: For professional images, audio and metadata
  • How many versions of DPX header are there?

    Currently, there are two versions of the DPX header 'V1.0' and 'V2.0' in the specification.

  • What is all of the related specifications in the history?

    Document Type Document Number Document Title
    SMPTE Standard ANSI/SMPTE 268M-1994 File Format for Digital Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX)
    ST 268:2003 Revision of ANSI/SMPTE 268M-1994 File Format for Digital Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX) Version 2.0
    ST 268:2014 File Format for Digital Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX)
    SMPTE Amendment ST 268:2003 Am1:2012 File Format for Digital Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX) - Amendment 1

  • Where do I get the latest version of the related SMPTE digital library?

    You can get the SMPTE digital library from IEEE Xplore website.

  • What is the most easiest way to use this software?

    We have added a utility script for Windows environment from version 0.3.0.

    @echo off
    set D=%DATE:/=%
    set T=%TIME: =0%
    set T=%T::=%
    set T=%T:.=%
    set OUTPUT=dpxanacui-%D%-%T%.txt
    set CURDIR=%~dp0
    %CURDIR%\dpxanacui.exe %* > %OUTPUT%
    echo on

  • How do I save the output result from this software?

    Use redirection feature of the operating system on the console.

  • Is this tool available for multiple DPX files?

    Yes. You can drop multiple DPX files to the program binary.